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written by erik dullenkopf and his mother, gail

Screaming Eagle Aviation began in 1977, at the Santa Paula Airport by my father, Douglas Dullenkopf. My dad unselfishly contributed to both the airport and the community of Santa Paula. He was actively involved with air shows and flew in fly-bys for countless memorial services. He was an active member of the Santa Paula Optimist Club, the Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce and the Ventura County Aviation Advisory Board.

A true aviator, he logged over 10,000 hours in his lifetime and flew with my sister Anne and I, at very young ages. A few months before my father's passing, we flew together for three days, transporting two American Champions from the Wisconsin factory to Santa Paula. 

In October of 2005, my father suddenly passed away from cancer and the business closed in late 2006. Over a period of twenty-nine years, Screaming Eagle sold an astonishing 2,148 airplanes, which is a real tribute to my father and his dedicated staff.

I contribute my honesty, integrity and work ethic to my father, Douglas Dullenkopf. At a young age, I learned that if you do what is in the best interest of the client, your business will succeed. I admired how everyone my father met became his friend, regardless of doing business together or not. When my father passed away, this taught me a lesson as I learned and soon appreciated the planning my father had done to make sure our family was taken care of after his passing.

By naming the practice Screaming Eagle Wealth Management, I am hoping to keep the spirit of my father's hard work alive for years to come.