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Relationship Management

Relationship Management is the third pillar of Wealth Management. It entails both proactive phone and in-person meetings in addition to interaction based on client's preference. This is about building an intimate life-long relationship. Relationship Management also involves appreciation events, periodic educational workshops and private financial education workshops for our client's children and family members.


From the TCP, the customized correspondence schedule will be determined, demonstrating when the frequency of calls and meetings will occur. Our team tracks the desired scheduled and that is one less thing for you to worry about.

We learn if clients prefer emails, phone calls, or traditional mail; if they like to sign documents online or via paper. All the documents that are signed, our team keeps copies on our client websites, for security purposes and necessary reference. 

Our clients know we are there for them, working for & making progress towards what is most important to them. We keep them in the loop, without them having the feeling of being smothered.