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Guiding You to Financial Freedom

Investment Consulting

Investment Consulting entails management of all investment elements to maximize the probability of clients achieving all that is important to them in addition to their best interest. We believe in patient, long term, value investing, while following the investment guiding principles outlined below.

Wealth Preservation is often the primary concern of our clients. Wealth Preservation is not only about not losing money -- it's about having enough money to fund desired lifestyles, whether simple or extravagant. The goal of Wealth Preservation is to avoid significant losses and to outpace inflation, minimizing threats to one's purchasing power. 

Guiding Principles:

Manage Risks
Understand the risks inherent in different types of investments 

Get Invested
Don't pay the cost of waiting.

A diversified portfolio of investments may allow for more consistent returns.

Stay Invested
It's "time in" the market, not "timing" the market.

Periodic adjustments are needed due to varied economic conditions.